Favor with God and Man
In Luke 2:52 Bible says, Jesus had favor with man and with God. As we are here on behalf of Jesus, as His ambassadors in Mexico, we have seen His hand move by giving us favor with man. Both the conference here and the pastor are very supportive of the work we are doing here. The conference is helping us with our paperwork for our visas and allowed us to make a video presentation of the ministry in action to present at a big event they are having soon. At this event each conference gets eight minutes to share what is happening in there area. Our conference is giving us five minutes for the video presentation and only keeping three minutes to give their own talk.
We were very excited about this because of the number of people who will be attending the event and getting to see the video presentation of what The Lord is doing through El Pan de Vida Ministries. The pastor in our area is also thrilled with the ministry we are doing here and has even assisted us at our health fairs. We were sad to see him be moved to another area just recently. Although we are praying that this might be just another opportunity to branch out into other areas of Mexico. The place in which he has been moved to has a church whose members are very interested in the health message and we have been trying to figure out a way to get over there and do a one week long session of classes with them. We do not think it is a coincidence that the our pastor was moved in the area where this church is. The Lord is amazing!
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