El Pan de Vida is a non-profit organization with the vision to demonstrate to the world that God can be trusted and taken at His Word, bringing about glory to the name of God and hastening His Son’s coming. We have been called to go to the small village of Mazumiapan near San Andres Tuxtla, Veracruz, in Mexico with the mission to display God’s love through improving the quality of life physically, spiritually, and mentally, by educating individuals and families with practical methods of healing, healthful living and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
How are we able to do this? Simple really.
The God we serve is a loving, generous God, and He gives to His children who ask in order that they may use what is given to serve and bless others. We daily ask God to grant us the ability to establish a health and education center in our village and a health and evangelism training center outside of the village in order that trained medical missionaries may be sent throughout Mexico and beyond. We ask for wisdom to teach the communities health principles so that they can experience a higher quality of life, and for resources to be able to provide to the communities (Bibles, Bible studies, health screenings, cooking classes, English and Spanish literacy programs and spiritual and helath related literature). We ask for grace to train churches and start planting new churches. God willing we will be able to network and work with other ministries as well as provide hands on practical application training for aspiring missionaries.
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