Day 6: Preparation
This morning we woke up without an alarm. It was good to sleep in a little. Unfortunately, the hotel’s breakfast wasn’t what we were looking for, so we stopped at “la Tienda” (literally, the store) to buy some breakfast items, which we ate standing up in a cold windy parking lot.
The drive to Forth Worth was not as long as yesterday, (praise the Lord!) and it was great to see the Dulac’s again! They had been collecting all of our mail that you our friends have sent us. Thank you so much! Also, the long awaited water purifier was opened. The actual box was smaller than expected, which is good news for the space situation. We might not have to shuffle as much stuff around as we thought.
They had prepared a wonderful meal for us, and it was nice to eat warm vegetarian food and have fellowship with friends. We took Nixon out for a walk and played in the park with Abriel. We went down all the slides many times over and had a fantastic time.
Sabbath is almost here in Texas. I think we will go to a Brazilian church tomorrow morning. Happy Sabbath everyone!
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