Day 9: Border crossing
First of all, I want to thank all of you that are praying for us. We have been so blessed and I know God is answering your prayers for protection and smooth sailing. We got out of the hotel and on the road at a pretty good time, and there was no line for entering Mexico (the US side was backed up all the way across the bridge). When we drove into Mexico, Jesús was waiting right there for us and helped us get all the permits and insurance and everything. It took a long time, about 2 hours, but it went very smoothly. Sorry I don’t have any pictures, I am not quite the bold photographer like some of you. We had to push the button for inspection and it came out green! Praise the Lord! At the border, we met two different people traveling the same way that wanted to go as a caravan, so they followed us all the way to the next checkpoint. There, we got a red light and were pulled in for inspection, but after just a few passport checks and a brief look around, they let us by. We met up with the other cars at the next gas station.
The road from the border to Tampico was really nice. Mostly one lane each way, but it is customary to drive half on the shoulder, so the middle area becomes a two way passing lane. There wasn’t too much traffic and we were able to make good time. Along the way we saw a Maseca factory.
Although the road condition was pretty good, some of the signs were interesting. I wouldn’t have known which way to go if it weren’t for our guide.
We arrived safely in Tampico just after 5 so we had time to unwind, eat and take a walk before the sun went down. We are pretty wiped out, and tomorrow will be a long day, so we will crash now. Internet might be possible tomorrow, but we will try our best to let you all know when we make it safely to our destination.
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