Life and health
Sometimes the best way to reach families is through the children. Many times kids are not open to try food if their moms put it in front of them. When they get to make it themselves, then they are more interested to try it. Sumi, our 7 year old neighbor, dropped by about the time we were going to make lunch, so we invited her to help.
A few minutes later, 10 year old Lupita came by, and we invited her to help too. We’re always welcoming kids from the community into our home, and encouraging them to learn more about the plan God has for our lives. Children are very happy to help and very teachable. People tend to live very busy lives, and sometimes their children don’t feel included. What is sad is that children are just waiting to participate with adults in activities. It takes patience, but there is a a blessing for both parents and children when they can work together.
Both Sumi and Lupita were very excited to help us fix lunch. We washed our hands and set to work. Since Sumi is younger, she does the sorting and washing. Lupita already does a lot of cooking at home and she did the chopping. By the time the lentils and rice were sorted and washed, and the onions, garlic and tomatoes were chopped, the kitchen floor was ready to be swept again! We had cleaned the floor, but mess they made when adding frozen spinach to the pot required that we clean it again. It was worth it, working with the children here is great fun.
The kids health program is shaping up, and shaping up kids. This last sabbath we had an opportunity to do a trial run of our ideas at the health fair in Omeapan. The health fair was just part of the celebration of ‘El día de bondad’ (day of goodness), where families in a poor village received care packages, dental work, and health screenings. The event was well attended, Tammey’s diabetes presentation was well received, and the children were captivated by the activities in the children’s program. Both the people who attended and the pastor let us know they were blessed by the health fair. The pastor wants to work together to take the health fair on the road. The children’s program is being developed for presentation in the public schools. God willing, we ail be able to share with children there too. Please keep this in prayer that the Lord would continue to open up doors for us to share God’s health message, leading them from health to Him.
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