The Good Shepherd
In Mazumiapan there is a flock of sheep that wander to and fro throughout the village without a shepherd to watch over them. We see them in a different place everyday. I sometimes wonder who there owner is, and why they are not watched over. There are rustlers in the area that steal livestock on occasion. What if one of them decided to steal one of the sheep? There are also dogs that could injure them. Why doesn’t the owner of the sheep watch over them more carefully? Doesn’t the owner love his sheep?
I’m reminded of the verse found in Matthew 9:36, which says,”but when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because the fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.” Praise the Lord we have a Shepherd who has compassion on us, who loves us with an everlasting love, and when we wander away, He will gather us back up in His arms and bring us back to the flock. Isaiah 40:11 says, “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.” We are always safe in the arms of Love; our God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave his very own life to save us.
John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”
There is a sickness called Dengue that has struck many people in our village. Whole families have been bedridden due to the sickness, some for days, others for a whole week. Some of the symptoms are high fever, aching bones, and an intense headache, among other symptoms. When they go to the doctor, he prescribes medications, and then the people suffer from sleeplessness, stomach pain, vomiting, racing heartbeat, dizziness, feeling of desperation and they feel like they have ants crawling all over their bodies. We are not sure which is worse, the medication, or the dengue. The people have been trained they need medication to recover from everything, even a little sore throat or a cough. They are constantly running to the medical center to receive medications or injections. Sometimes the people can spend $1000 pesos on medications and still not feel better. We know there are times when medications are needed, but we know that God has natural means to bring healing to our bodies as well. Please pray for us as we desire to educate the people to receive that natural healing.
When we went to church this last sabbath, there were very few people there due to the illness. There wasn’t even anyone there to teach sabbath school, or preach a message. Fortunately, we were at our local church this sabbath for a change and were able to help them out. After church we were asked to go pray with a sick family member. As we entered the hut to pray, we were greeted by family members and were ushered into a dark room where young woman lay sick in bed. After praying with her, we came out of the room into the main area of the hut. The family had a store inside their home, for the local people to purchase snack food and eggs. It was a discouraging sight as we looked around and saw may different varieties of junk food. It is very common to see more chips, cookies, crackers and candies than healthy food items in the local house markets. At times it seems impossible to change the mindset of the eating habits of the people here, but we have to immediately cast those thoughts aside as we remember that with God, all things are possible. Instead of being discouraged, we set our minds on the promises of God and are encouraged because this challenging situation is just another opportunity for God to reveal to us His great love and power. As changes occur in the lifestyles of the people here, everyone will know it is God and not us that brought it about. To God be the glory.
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