The joys of new life, the sorrows of death
In some of our Bible studies, we are blessed to have young people that are eager to learn. Denise is one of them. She regularly attends a Bible study in Laurel. This last Monday evening she accepted Jesus Christ as her Saviour and asked to borrow DVDs about Jesus. It’s young people like Denise that El Pan de Vida Ministries hopes to see attend a ministry school in the near future, God willing.
Remember Pedro, one of our Bible studies who had never let anyone come to study with him? During a recent Bible study, he made a decision to start coming to church with his wife and their little baby. We are praising the Lord because he brought his family to church on Sabbath.
We look forward to the day when we have a facility equipped with proper hydrotherapy tanks, but until then, the Lord has been helping us bring healing to many with in-home treatments.
We continue to sing daily to Martin as his strength diminishes because of his cancer. We have found that the singing brings great peace to him and his family. Across the street, there is an old lady who is also bedridden from a stroke she suffered two months before. One day we had seen some friends from church at the house and they invited us in, so we went in and sang. We have continued to go over and sing to her on occasion, and have always been well received in their home. Just recently, we found out that the family usually turns away visitors from denominations other than their own. We count it a privilege that God has given us favor and an open door to bless the family.
Lifestyle is one of the hardest things for people to change, and we have been praying and seeking God as to how to motivate people to make changes that would prevent or reverse disease. No one likes to give up foods they have been accustomed to eating all their life. We have been trying to find ways to show people here that food can still taste good while it is good for you. We can’t make people change, so we have been praying for the Lord to open up doors for people to come to us, asking to change. A few days ago, our prayers were answered when Ada’s mother told us she had 5 women who were diabetic and ready to make lifestyle changes. We rejoice in the Lord that this Sunday we will have our first class to help these people to live healthier.
After writing this blog post, we found out that Martin passed away and is resting peacefully in Jesus.
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