Thoughts from the journal of Kate
I am so thankful for Bianca and John. They have really helped me be
more involved with music. Though I have a college degree in music and
studied oboe performance, I always felt like I wasn’t gifted in music
because I don’t play by ear, and that severely limits what I am able
to play. I can read music, and play what is written, but without
music, I like a fish out of water.
It is so interesting how God works, though, because singing has never
been a specialty of mine. I have never sang by myself in front of a
church, ever.
But shortly after arriving in Mexico, Bianca asked me if I would sing with her. I had heard her sing already and was touched by
the song and the spirit with which she sang it, gently accompanied by her brother, John, on guitar. Though confused as to why she had asked
me, I said I would gladly sing with her, even though I was terribly nervous. She came over and sang the song through with me and after she
left I just kept practicing and practicing, I really didn’t want to let her down. This was totally new for me, no notes, no oboe. Ever
since that first time she asked me, we continue to sing together. It has been such a blessing because Bianca and John are teaching me how
to hear the harmonies instead of just depending on the music notes.
Singing with Bianca has really pushed me to do something new, but at
the same time, I don’t want to neglect what I already know. I was
remembering the parable of the talents in Matthew 25 and the fate of
the servant who was entrusted one talent, and when the master came
back, found it buried. “Thou wicked and slothful servant,” the master
said as he instructed the talent to be taken from him and given to
another. I don’t want to have the same fate. I have always thought
since I couldn’t play by ear, I hadn’t received much talent. But it
doesn’t really matter how much we received, because we are just
expected to make use of it, whatever it is. Then, when we increase the
talent by making good use of it, the master can bless us. “Well done,
thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few
things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the
joy of thy lord.” v.23
The churches here don’t have pianos, and sometimes they can’t remember
the tune of a song. I have been blessed to be able to use the talent I
had been given to read music and play the oboe to help them learn the
songs! I am thankful for the Lord’s goodness and mercy, helping us to
even use the talents he has gifted us with.
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