To Veracruz and onward
Yesterday I was unable to post because I was too sick. I give glory to God today that I am well. Yesterday was our last long stretch of travel. It was especially hard because I was feverish and nauseous ever since the night before. Jesus, our angel, was our guide, and Benny, who was part of the caravan, let Tammey and I stretch out in his minivan (the truck is very cramped, to say the least). I have very few pictures from yesterday since I was not well enough to hardly open my eyes. The family of Jesus was such a blessing to us, letting us stay the night and welcoming us back again, I did manage to take a picture of them.
When we traveled to Tampico, the roads were free (not toll roads), but To Veracruz we took toll roads all the way. The toll roads looked considerably worse than the free roads. Lots of potholes, bumps, and uneven surfaces. Also, there was no shoulder for passing.
When we finally arrived in Veracruz, the sun had just set and we looked and looked for the road we needed to turn on (more of an alley, really). Every person we asked had a different idea of where it was and how to get there. Finally Tammey got out of the car, and we were only just around the corner from it. The truck fit inside the gate, but only just barely. By the time they got the car parked I was about to black out again. But nurse Tammey came to the rescue with a grapefruit and some hydrotherapy.
It was nice to be able to rest in a familiar bed and wake up even better. My throat still hurts, but the nauseous feeling and fever are gone. Praise the Lord! Today will be our shortest travel day. It is only 3 or 4 hours to Mazumiapan. Tammey and David have to fax the last papers for the closing of the house, and then Arnulfo will be our guide to the final destination. This is the last time we will have to pack the truck! yay!
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